Hi, I am
Nafiu Shaibu

Software Engineer in Accra, GH

About Me

me Nafiu Shaibu is an experienced software engineer with over 3 years experience in building and deploying software solutions for both small startups and large organizations focusing on results and efficiency by employing agile software development methodologies like scrum. While I am a proficient full-stack developer, I also have good working knowledge in system programming with C/C++, Linux server administration and networking primarily configuration and administration of CISCO routers and switches. I am also a quick learner with strong problem-solving, management and leadership, comfortable working as a team or individually.


  • Increased server response time for web and mobile clients by 30% by restructuring API.
  • Improved performance of web portals by 5% by using test driven development to refactor legacy code base.
  • Decreased project setup and deployment time by 12% by using continuous integration.


My personal interest include:

  • Unix & Linux Kernel design: This includes process creation and scheduling, multi-threading, virtual memory management and many advanced operating system concepts. I have learnt a lot on Unix programming with C and built challenging projects using advanced OS design concepts.
  • Machine Learning & AI: I am working through online tutorials, and reading books & articles on the subject.

Recent Projects

  • PanaBIOS a secure and standard biosurveillance application suite for disease contagion monitoring, spatial risk factors analytics, mass testing, process traceability & outcomes tracking.

  • TrustedTesting a laboratory integrity and test results management system.
  • OnlineTutor an interactive social learning platforming which incorporate computer vision & AI for better personalized experience for students.

  • Internal Communication System: Designed and developed a concurrent server and client as an internal organizational communication system. The aim of this project was to develop an application that unifies and secure all the communication activities (including chatting, sending and receiving memos or reports securely etc.) within an organization.


  • Frontend: VueJs, Angular
  • Backend: Django, Flask, NodeJs
  • DevOps: Git, Docker, Heroku

Machine Learning & AI

  • Core stack: Python
  • Libraries: OpenCV, Tensorflow, Numpy, Pandas


  • Core stack: Dart
  • Framework: Flutter


  • MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQLite

Contact Me
